
What’s New!

Last update records
3DPSD; 03/04/22.

3D Pharmaceutical Structure Database
A comprehensive listing of 3D molecular structures for Japanese prescription pharmaceuticals which can be viewed with either the Chemscape Chime plug-in or the Chemis3D Java applet

Alphabetical listing for the pharmaceuticals
Main representation using the Chemscape Chime plug-in
Alternative using the Chemis3D Java applet

Structural search by querying the exact chemical structure and the partial substructure using the JChem software

This structural search system has been opened under financial support of Teijin Ltd., Tokyo Research Center and BionomiX, Inc..

Links to the other websites related to 3D molecular representation

Financial support for constructing 3DPSD

Cancer Pain Relief

Routes of opioid analgestic therapy in management of cancer pain compiled by Tohru Mano, Pharmasist

Location and other information on Japanese hospices

Links to the other websites related to cancer pain relief

Our Class of Information Literacy
Syllabuses for Information Literacy classes and these lecture materials

Basic course: Information literacy I

Advanced course: Information literacy II

Our Research Activities

Features of our laboratory

Research activities

Cooperative research on PML(Pharmaceutical Markup Language) for describing the pharmaceutical information

Healthcare Information
A comprehensive listing of pharmaceutical manufacturers in the world
Japanese pharmaceutical manufacturers
Foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers

Japanese pharmacies for prescription drugs and drugstores for over the counter/consumer drugs

Links to the other websites related to pharmaceutical manufacturing companies.